Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It’s Aliiiiiive!!

Yes, like the zombie dead, I’m back!   

Except for without all the gross decaying flesh and moaning. 

During these months away, I’ve been focusing on some of the things I value: relationships, spirituality and health among them.  In fact, I’ve been exploring what my values are.  You’d think I’d know them – don’t we all practice our values everyday through our behaviors?  Then I started really trying to define my values.   

And that’s where I fell down the rabbit hole. 

Trying to pinpoint my personal definition of each core value was hard!  Some values seemed to cluster together and define each other.  Trying to define a value without using the behaviors that demonstrate the value was very difficult.  One answer led to many answers and even more questions.  It became a maze of enlightenment with many “aha” moments. 

Hard work my friends.  And I’ve only explored one of my many values so far.  I’ll share my results with you soon. 

I invite you to explore your values with me.  Start with these questions and see where it takes you:

·        What do I value?
·        How do I define it?
·        What does it look like?

Majeeda Rosa
Just Be