Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Resistance is Futile

This has been a week of grinching, gnashing teeth and banging head. Bad things have happened. Sad things have happened. Misunderstandings and resistance seem to be the actions of the day. Polarization of thought, both in politics and personal life, has occurred repeatedly.

And amongst all this… a simple kindness.

The power of a simple kindness is amazing. At work, my cube mate brought us pretty little flowers. I’ve been so cheered every time I look at them. They calm me down. I’m reminded that nothing is so frantic or important that a simple cup of cheer – whether tea or flowers – shouldn’t be enjoyed. A little touch of grace amidst the chaos.

They remind me to be kind to myself as well as others.

I took a moment to enjoy the flowers. I began to actually notice little scraps of quotes and prayer I keep pinned to my wall, the rosary I made with rose petal beads for my mother many years ago, the cinnamon and checkered tail feather of a flicker I found on a walk. Among the pinnings, I have a card I bought in Glastonbury many years ago; it says:

Just BE
One of the shortest and most profound prayers I can follow.

Take care my friends, and remember the little kindnesses.

Majeeda Rosa

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